The Perks and Pitfalls of Buying Used Boats for Sale
Buying a used boat has its ups and downs. There is no right or wrong way to address the question of whether it’s a worthy purchase. The best advice to keep in mind is to weigh up the pros and cons about the new purchase and to go into the decision with eyes fully open. Here are the common pitfalls and perks to purchasing a used boat.
Previous damageA used boat has a history to it that may not be evident at first. Boats can have gone through several different disasters from cracks in the hull to previous collisions, underwater bumps and scrapes, and even a complete capsize. Even if the previous owner is completely upfront, there may have been some problems before them that they might be aware of. If the used boat in question is over a decade old, the motto should be buyer beware for anyone undertaking this risk.
Boats require regular maintenance. If not, they could be at risk of cracks and bleeds in the lines, distressed and faded seals, faulty and old fuel, and un-lubricated or well-worn engine parts. Only with a regular, documented service history should a boat be considered in top condition. If not, it could become a bargaining point for the buyer.
Without regular service, or even regular use, the engine parts can corrode. This isn’t immediately evident either as it takes a qualified professional to examine all the inner workings. Rust and corrosion are the constant battles any boat owner fights against, but sometimes an old used boat has lost that battle years ago.
Dutiful ExperienceEven with a new boat, there is no guarantee of how it performs on the ocean, what sort of quirks it has in operation, or how reliable the boat can be. In purchasing used boats for sale, the owner can directly speak of their personal experience with the craft, the way it handles on the water, the performance issues and the types of boating they undertook when they used it. It might not look exceptional, but it has proven to be a fantastic boat for water sports.
Service historyWhen a used boat has a full service history, it’s a reliable bet that the previous owner showed care and attention to the boat. This care is passed on to the new buyer with a complete understanding of what the previous problems were and how they were assessed and repaired. The knowledge of a repair is always better than the worry and wonder if it ever had one in the first place.
As many boating enthusiasts will say, the price of a used boat can’t be beat. Even if the boat ticks all the qualities of a bad boat, the right price can still make a sale. Buying used boats for sale can be a worthy venture if the buyer can get the right price for the boat of their dreams.